Exploring Selected Cultures in Mitigating an Array of Social Vices in South Africa. A Literature Review


  • Simon M. Kang’ethe
  • Thanduxolo Nomngcoyiya


The aim of this article is to explore the role of selected cultural practices and assess how they can be a panacea in mitigating the state of social vices in South Africa. The article uses a review of literature methodology. Findings indicate that Africans were hoodwinked by white people to abandon their cultures for western based cultures; African cultures continue to weaken as they succumb to forces of westernization, eurocentrism, modernization, civilization and globalization; Africans have realised that the cultures they abandoned such as virginity testing, sexual mores and taboos; and circumcision could be a panacea in mitigating some of the societal ills such as moral decadence and HIV/AIDS. The article urges for a resuscitation of cultural practices such as virginity testing, thigh sex (ukumetsha), circumcision and teachings that accompanied initiation schools; and societies to undergo an attitudinal and cultural paradigm shift that will consider the invaluable aspects of cultures that can effectuate and facilitate mitigation of social ills in African countries such as South Africa.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n14p458


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How to Cite

Exploring Selected Cultures in Mitigating an Array of Social Vices in South Africa. A Literature Review. (2014). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(14), 458. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/mjss/article/view/3175