The Impact of Demographic Factors for the Construction and Implementation of Marketing Relationships in the B2C market. The Case of Electronic Commerce in Albania


  • Ervin Myftaraj Managment Department, Faculty of Business, “Vitrina” University, Prane City Park, Tirane, Albania
  • Azeta Tartaraj Head of Marketing Department, Faculty of Business, “Aleksander Moisiu” University, Rr. e curilave, lagjia nr 1, Durres, Albania


The purpose of this paper is to explain the relationship between demographic factors and other factors that affect the purchase on-line, for the construction and implementation of marketing relationships in online shopping for the B2C market. Case Albania. The main hypothes that we have raised in this paper is: Which is the importance of demographic factors in the construction of relationship marketing in the online B2C market, in Albania? It was taken a sample of 500 respondents who answered 7 questions. Have been used 100% of the questionnaires. The first question excluded from the survey those who have never made purchases online. The questionnaires were filled in only by people who had experience in shopping online. The choice is made on an occasional basis. The respondents were grouped by age, sex and education. The questionnaires were completed in the two main cities of Albania: Tirana and Durres. The study was based on primary and secondary data for the case of Albania. The results and conclusions of this article are significant. Albania marks the highest growth compared with other countries in the region in terms of Internet usage.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2013.v4n2p649


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How to Cite

The Impact of Demographic Factors for the Construction and Implementation of Marketing Relationships in the B2C market. The Case of Electronic Commerce in Albania. (2013). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 4(2), 649.