Is the Battle Against the Corruption Valuable as Slogan in Actual Electorate Campagne? (The Case of Albanian Society in the Albanian Republic)


  • Hysamedin Feraj PhD., Faculty of Social Sciences, Tirana University
  • Aleksandër Kocani Prof. Ass. PhD., Faculty of Social Sciences, Tirana University, Albania


The use of corruption battle as slogan especially on electorate campagne is not suggested for any society. Teorically and practically this slogan may be used as «battle flag» in the societies having a relatively developed political culture where the voter is generally sensible towards the public fonds management and punish with vote political force abusing with them. In these societies the term «corruption» has a very negative connotation and it is morally penalized because of its contradiction with societies’ value system named by R.Inglehart as «self-affirmation values system». While for the politically non developed societies it is not the question to think voters to be politically «mobilized» against the social actors demonstrating corruption behavior. This is because of missing in general the negative assessment based on the moral considerations for corruption phenomena. Generally such societies have «survival» value profile and they consider the «corruption» not necessarily as negative phenomena.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2013.v4n2p605


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How to Cite

Is the Battle Against the Corruption Valuable as Slogan in Actual Electorate Campagne? (The Case of Albanian Society in the Albanian Republic). (2013). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 4(2), 605.