Italian Army and Triple Alliance: An Historiographical Analysis


  • Roberto Sciarrone Università La Sapienza di Roma


During the twelve years between the taking of Rome by the conclusion of the Triple Alliance, the Italian army undergoes profound changes, as the policy of the newly unified state. These long twelve years to help us better understand the preparatory stages and the political effects that lead Italy to sign the agreements of the Triple Alliance. The politicians of taking an attitude almost detached, compared to the problems of the armed forces. In the financial crisis. The economic and social backwardness is manifested when we compare with other European countries. The problem that the Italian government has had to deal with the aftermath of Sedan, is transformation of the Italian army under the Prussian model.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2013.v4n4p197


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How to Cite

Italian Army and Triple Alliance: An Historiographical Analysis. (2013). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 4(4), 197.