Albanian Migration to the U.S.A. Geo-Historical Research Contributions


  • Bilal Draçi University of Tirana, Faculty of History and Philology, Geography Department


Typology of the reasons for migration, dominated by forced migration (mainly wars) and labor migration, intensified by the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century. Massive migration periods are: the Roman period (less documented), Middle Ages (XIV-XV century); period between the Albanian national revival and independence; periods during world wars and the period after the fall of Communism (1990). While migrations tipizohen today because of work and living better. Varies according to geography and world developments, especially regional developments (Balkan Mediterranean).Characteristics of today's migration are becoming almost universal. Accurate statistical estimates are difficult (from 150 thousand to 500 thousand) because of its complex integrations, sources of social organizations and illegal migration in certain periods. Selection of emigration countries related to geographical proximity (Greece, Italy); cultural and linguistic proximity; historical ties; economic developments; accessability; regulatory incentives to migration policies, making phenomenon spontaneous and problematic since to the country of origin up to the destination. Referring to official statistics 95% of immigrants are located in Europe.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n2p441


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How to Cite

Albanian Migration to the U.S.A. Geo-Historical Research Contributions. (2014). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(2), 441.