Insult to the Personal Dignity


  • Aleks Prifti Lecturer, Department of Justice, Ismail Qemali University of Vlora


The During the extended transition period, Albania has spent more than two decades, consumption of the crime of aggression (as well as that of defamation) was never deleted from the map of counter-legitimacy. Meanwhile, the highest legislative body of the State adopted five years ago some changes to the Criminal Code, specifically changing article 119 (insult), Section 120 (defamation) and some other provisions relating to such offenses. This measure was accompanied by amendments to the Civil Code, be specified and trying to improve, Institute of moral damage, which presupposes to guarantee sufficient protection over the dignity and reputation of the individual. Precisely, the subtle aspects that brings this argument, the judged necessary, making this essay to an analysis, even diagonally, of the main elements of the offense in general and that through mass media in particular, by explaining some key words such as object protected by norms, active entity; passive entity; difference between fact and their assessment of legitimate reasons to justify the act of defamation, the right to information through the media and the right of honor; Reflections on changes legal punishment for the offense of insult.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2014.v5n2p121


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How to Cite

Insult to the Personal Dignity. (2014). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(2), 121.