ICT Incorporation: A Requirement for Upgrading the Teaching and Learning of Social Studies in Rivers State
The thrust of this paper is to identify the needs for ICT integration in Social Studies and stress the requirements or competences needed by teachers for upgrading Social Studies programme using information communication technology (ICT). The use of traditional method of instruction delivery is no longer in vogue in this contemporary time hence educational technologists and other scholars who are interested in innovative instructional techniques advocate or crave the indulgence of modern school teachers to explore emergent/alternative teaching approaches in their effort to facilitate teaching – learning encounters. In carrying out the research the researchers administered questionnaire to 175 Social Studies teachers, out of 230 from 18 LGAs out of 23 LGAs in Rivers State. Statistical analysis of results shows that Social Studies teachers in secondary schools in Rivers State lack ICT facilities; besides they also lack requisite competences for upgrading or integrating ICT into Social Studies. Based on these, conclusion was drawn and recommendations were made.Downloads
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ICT Incorporation: A Requirement for Upgrading the Teaching and Learning of Social Studies in Rivers State. (2013). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 4(12), 15. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/mjss/article/view/1775