Organic Food Consumers Purchase Patterns – Insights from Croatian Market


  • Vesna Brčić-Stipčević Full Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Croatia
  • Kristina Petljak Teaching and Research Assistant, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Croatia
  • Irena Guszak Senior Teaching and Research Assistant, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Croatia


Organic agriculture is a holistic production system, which sustains the natural soil activity, ecosystem and people. The new system is a reaction of producers of organic food to unsustainability of capital intensive agriculture. Organic food market develops progressively because of consumers’ increased interest in nutrition, health and environment protection, with the European market for organic food being the biggest market for organic food worldwide. Organic food market in Croatia is in the phase of rapid development with characteristics of mature markets. Taking into account the offer of organic food in Croatian big box retailers, the market is definitely between the growing and the developed market. Theoretical part of the paper will sum up findings about characteristics of organic food consumers and address their buying behaviour, motives for organic food purchase and perception about organic food compared to conventional food. Research results show existence of significant relationship between organic food purchase according to the region, education level, place of residence, financial status, personal monthly income and monthly household income. Further on, insights from organic food purchase patterns from Croatian market show that frequent organic food consumers consider organic food tastier and healthier than conventional, and consider that organic food with the eco-label is safer for consumption than the food without the eco-label.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2013.v4n11p472


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How to Cite

Organic Food Consumers Purchase Patterns – Insights from Croatian Market. (2013). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 4(11), 472.