A Relationship Expressed in a Stamp


  • Ilira Sulo (Çaushi) Universita di Tirana Dipartamento di Storia


Albania in a historic journey has left numerous evidences in support of our nacional history writting. Those are in content and most variable forms. All together constitute a large reservoir of resources that enables today’s articles that we read histori today. The long and beautiful way of the stamp is a valuable asset for all the peoples in the world, in gjeneral and particular for the Albanians. As an adekuate view of the history of the Albanian population, she always had her unrepeatable face. The road that this stamp has followed is similar to the path followed by the Albanian people in history. In this article to explain history I would try to follow somewhat a different path. I will to try to speak through the language of stamps, even for the relations that were created between the two strands of the Adriatic coast. It is in this path, i will try to infer the remaining tracks in the relations that Albania has had with the neighbouring country during the XIX century and onwards.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2013.v4n10p630





How to Cite

A Relationship Expressed in a Stamp. (2013). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 4(10), 630. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/mjss/article/view/1238