The Power of Women in the Armed Forces


  • Valbona Medani University of Durrës “Aleksandër Moisiu”


The aim of this paper is to investigate the various models and the best practices of the participation of women in the armed forces, their influence and integration in a traditionally recognized as a men field. The article examines the main challenges that female military personnel face along the military career and sheds light on the mechanism for the protection and implementation of female rights. Then, it puts forward that the transformation of the armed forces provides a good opportunity to increase the role of women in the armed forces. The paper suggests that based on the experience women have the ability to solve complex, unstable, doubtful and confusing situations related to war. However, this natural endowment should be coupled with operational experience in order to increase their self confidence and their abilities multiplying their power inside the armed forces. Women, with their skills, might offer comparative advantage in the resources needed for the wars of the future. The paper conludes that supporting the gender equality in the armed forces, the involvement of the women in all levels of military decision making and ensuring that they get full and equal rights in the armed forces is key to successful transformation of the armed forces.

DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2013.v4n10p580


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How to Cite

The Power of Women in the Armed Forces. (2013). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 4(10), 580.