Causal Relationship Model of Flood Response Behavior


  • Cherdpong Mongkonsin Mahasarakham University, Mahasarakham 44150, Thailand
  • Nongnapas Thiengkamol Mahasarakham University, Mahasarakham 44150, Thailand
  • Tanarat Thiengkamol Assumption University, Thailand.


The populations of 2,200 peoples who faced with flood disaster in Mahasarakham Province in 2011. The 401 peoples were
used as sample group. The questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection. LISREL was used for model verification.
Considering on structural model confirmatory factors of Environmental Education Principle (EEP) and Community Strength
(CoS) were able to explain the variation of endogenous factors of Inspiration for Flood Response (INS) to caused Flood
Response Behavior (FRB) with 87.00 percents. As a result, the equation 1 can be written as following.
FRB = 0.99*INS + 0.069*EEP - 1.00*CoS ………………………(1)
R2 = 0.75
Equation (1) factors that had the most effect to Flood Response Behavior (FRB) was Inspiration for Flood Response (INS) and
subsequences were Environmental Education Principle (EEP) and Community Strength (CoS), these were able to explained
the variation of Flood Response Behavior (FRB) with 75.00 percents. Moreover, confirmatory factors of Environmental
Education Principle (EEP) and Community Strength (CoS) were able to explain the variation of confirmatory factors of
Inspiration for Flood Response (INS) with 93.00 percents. Therefore, the equation can be written as following equation 2.
INS = 1.91*CoS - 0.35*EEP ……………………..………..……(2)
R2 = 0.93


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How to Cite

Causal Relationship Model of Flood Response Behavior. (2013). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 4(1), 587.