Young People and Trade Unions: New Challenges for a Generational Change
The relationship between young people and trade unions is fundamental for labour organisations because it is
increasingly necessary to re-think their generational change. The article aims to deepen understanding of the new challenges
concerning youth and trade unions by reflecting on the labour organisations’ renewal and analysing how they could involve
young generations. Trade unions need to establish networks among young people both inside and outside the labour
organisations and, at the same time, deal with young workers in contexts external to the workplace, reaching out to youth
generations through innovative experiences and new models of aggregative participation. Ultimately, the new tasks that will be
important to the future of labour organisations include investing in new generations and also accompanying providing them
assistance in particular moments of insecurity, such as the transition from school to work or during unemployment; and helping
them to develop their job skills. The analysis of the essay focuses on how trade unions can apply strategies and policies to
support initiatives and social proposals that could facilitate young workers’ participation in trade unions.
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