Citotoxicity and Genotoxicity Screening of some Aquatic Bodies in Shkodra Region Using Allium Cepa L. test


  • Ditika Kopliku University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi”, Albania
  • Anila Mesi University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi”, Albania
  • Suzana Golemi University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi”, Albania


The reaction of Allium cepa (L.) genetic material to the presence of potential cytotoxic and genotoxic substances in water
environment was used to screen the water toxicity presence and degree of Shkodra lake, Buna and Drini rivers, by measuring onion
bulbs root length (MRL), Mitotic Index (MI), Phase Index (PI) and chromosome abnormalities (CA), grown in water samples from
Shiroka, Zogaj, Shegan, Kamicë, Stërbeq, Buna bridge, Bahçellek, Zues and Dajç. All parameters were compared with filtered tap water
control, using ?2 test. Rating of samples for MRL and MI values was decreasingly: tap water, Stërbeq, Kamicë, Shiroka, Buna bridge,
Zogaj, Bahçellek, Dajç, Zues, Shegan. Only the MRL and MI values of Dajç, Zues and Shegan were significant (p<0.05), compared to
tap water. Most frequent CA types were: stickiness, bridges and fragments. Rating of samples for CA was increasingly: tap water,
Kamicë, Stërbeq, Buna Bridge, Shiroka, Dajç, Bahçellek, Zogaj, Shegan, Zues. The number of abnormal dividing cells was significant
(p<0.05) in: Dajç, Bahçellek, Zogaj, Shegan, Zues. It was noticed high level of CA rate (genotoxity) in water sample of Zogaj, which
could not be screened by cytotoxic examinations (MRL and MI). The results indicated a slight water pollution in Dajç, Shegan, Bahçellek,
Zogaj and Zues samples, serving as a first alert of chemical pollution environmental impact, even in low concentrations. Deeper and
larger scaled monitoring network, using bioassays, has to be done in Shkodra region to protect ecosystems, biota and humans.


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How to Cite

Citotoxicity and Genotoxicity Screening of some Aquatic Bodies in Shkodra Region Using Allium Cepa L. test. (2012). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 3(5), 271.