Political and Cultural Development in Albania Under Globalization Influences
The cultural development and Balkan universalism tries to arrive to an ideal of a borderless world of tolerance. Globalization
will construct a unique culture identity that will represent the human gender. Another variant of this way of thinking is that Globalization
will construct an environment in which culturally self-defining communities will coexist in an harmonious way. The Socio Evolutionism in
Balkan countries approach of global transition (having Spencer, {Spencer ideas of globalization countries, year 2002} as its main
exponent and representative) occurred from mid nineteenth to mid twentieth century. During those times, socio evolutionism became the
way in which human progress was normally conceptualized. Spencer ideas were not friendly with the concept of the State. This concept
is very wide when the Globalization is one impact that is now present for developing on Balkan areas. On matters of public
administration, the Albania Government's strategy focused on addressing two inter-related sets of interventions: (a) strengthening public
financial management, including the management of both public expenditures and revenues; and (b) strengthening human resource
management. The Albania Government worked with donors on the public financial management agenda by strengthening core public
financial management units (Ministry of Finance, Supreme Audit Institute, Procurement Directorate within the Office of the Prime
Minister) as well as the financial management units within each line agency (e.g., budget departments within line Ministries). On matters
relating to public sector human resource management, the reform strategy envisaged addressing this issue in two major stages: civil
service reform and broader public sector human resource management reform. During the stage, the reforms aimed to create the
managerial and professional nucleus required to lead any serious efforts to improve the accountability and performance of public
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