Albania Fiscal Policy: Designing Tax Policy by Given Circumstances


  • Fatbardha Kadiu Aleksander Moisiu University of Durres


I will consider through this paper the fiscal policy that Albania has applied in the recent years. First I will give an
overview of macroeconomic situation in Albania. After that I will describe an overview of what tax system looks like in Albania, I
will discuss the principle objective that Albania may attempt to achieve through the tax policy. I will conclude by considering the
political economy environment within which tax policy and economic growth must be designed and implemented. The aim of the
paper is to set out some of the basic problems facing tax policy in Albania and to outline some key element that should be
considered in designing the best feasible tax structure for the particular circumstances at this particular time in Albania.


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How to Cite

Albania Fiscal Policy: Designing Tax Policy by Given Circumstances. (2012). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 3(1), 371.