Computer Assisted Language Learning and English Language Teaching in Thailand: Overview


  • Attapol Khamkhien Faculty of Liberal Arts and Science, Kasetsart University


Currently, computer assisted language learning (CALL) is widely accepted to be a tool which can be used to facilitate
the language learning process, particularly English language teaching (ELT). The use of CALL has provided a powerful medium
for language learning from both teaching and learning perspectives. However, the integration of CALL programs in language
instruction requires a certain level of sensitivity and understanding of how to use the programs appropriately. This paper focuses
on using CALL in English classrooms in Thailand. It commences with an overview of the development of using computers in the
English classroom. Then, advantages and disadvantages of integrating CALL in English instruction are discussed. Next, various
types of learning activities that apply computer technology to English learning and instruction in the Thai context are presented.
Previous studies on the use and careful integration of CALL, contributing to success of teaching English and facilitating English
learning in the Thai context are explored. Pedagogical implications into teaching English with CALL as a tool are suggested.


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How to Cite

Computer Assisted Language Learning and English Language Teaching in Thailand: Overview. (2012). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 3(1), 55.