The Classroom and New Learning: An Investigation of Interrelationship Among Pre-Service Teachers’ Statistical Reasoning, Attitude Towards Statistics, and Learning Approach on Achievement in Statistics
The study sought to investigate inter- relationships amongst statistical reasoning, attitude towards statistics, learning
approach and achievement in educational statistics. Ex-post facto research design was adopted for the study. The sample
consisted of 358 (114 males and 244 females) fourth year pre-service teachers from University of Calabar and Port Harcourt in
the South-South Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria. The data for the study was collected using two instruments named: Statistical
Reasoning Learning Approach Questionnaire (SRALAQ), and the Educational Statistics Test (EST). Analyses of data were
carried out using multiple regression and path analysis. The results showed that: there is a significant composite effect of preservice
teachers’ statistical reasoning, attitude towards statistics and learning approach on achievement in educational statistics;
and there are significant paths through which the independent variables determine achievement in educational statistics. The
strongest of these paths is between statistical reasoning and learning approach and attitude towards statistics and learning
approach. Learning approach was found to be a significant direct predictor (? = .225, t = 2.581, p< 0.010) of pre-service
teachers’ achievement in educational statistics at 0.05 level of significance. A meaningful causal model which could be used to
explain the causal relationship amongst the variables in the study also emanated. The causal model showed that pre-service
teachers’ achievement in educational statistics could be explained directly and indirectly. The direct effect was 81.45% while the
indirect effect was 18.55%. The magnitudes of the effects of the predictive variables in the study in order of their importance are
0.429 for learning approach, 0.151 for statistical reasoning and -0.036 for attitude towards statistics. The implications of the
research findings are addressed.
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