Technical College Teachers in Nigeria: Issues, Problems and Challenges


  • Miller Abassah Federal College of Education (Technical), Omoku, Nigeria.


This paper is centered on the problems and prospects of the technical college teacher in Nigeria it explicates the
relevance of technical education programme The paper recognizes the implications of the National Policy on Education (NPE)
for technical (technological) education, the new curriculum development by the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE),
the changing business and technology environment, the personal, professional and public image of the technical teachers. the
teachers of technology have certain peculiarities which must be taken care of. before they can effectively carry out their
professional roles. the paper craves the indulgence of federal and state governments as well as private organizations to support
the technical programmes at all levels of educational system, that is, the aspect of funding, provision of infrastructure, training
materials, motivation, in-service training and knowledge update among other things.


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How to Cite

Technical College Teachers in Nigeria: Issues, Problems and Challenges. (2011). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2(7), 57.