Steno-Entrepreneurship Skill Retrainings: A Veritable Tool as Emerging Reality in Quality Business Education for Developing Nation
This paper opines that entrepreneurship Skill be combined with Stenographic Skill to have a common name STENOENTREPRENEUR
for quality education that inculcate two viable skills into one for Business Educators and be offered at regular
workshops at given intervals. This can keep the undertaker at a more advantageous position for effective role performance in a
developing nation where unemployment is a societal problem as in Nigeria today. It agitates here as presented in a twelve slides
power point. It explains what is meant by steno- entrepreneurship and spelt out the qualities and functions expected of such
personnel. Motivating factors and strategies for inculcating such desired skill were fully presented. This paper further agitates
that multinational companies, banks and financial houses which records have shown their high profit margin over others be
made to aid a developing nation like Nigeria to finance such steno- entrepreneurship skill acquisition programme. The paper also
affirmed that such resources can be tapped to enhance the teaching and learning quality education programmes in stenoentrepreneurship
skill as solution to challenges for effective and efficient education and for developing nations.
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