The Fall of the Aztec Empire and its Dramatic Consequences
This article is an excerpt of a long and extensive work on Castilian and Portuguese geographical discoveries of the XV and
XVI centuries. Among the jungles, deserts and snowy peaks of the, nowadays well known, central Mexico, takes place one of the most
interesting, exciting and dramatic encounter in history. It is the 1519. On one side are the soldiers of Castile, armed with steel, on the
other side of a huge cultural and mental barricade are the Aztecs, descendants of proud warriors who shed blood to conquer the Anahuac
valley and that, pouring out, more prepare to lose it. The article tries to summarize the main points of the military campaign known as
"Conquest of Mexico" but also to investigate the actors, drawing upon the direct evidences of the protagonists of the event, the Aztec codes
and the current interpretation of historians, anthropologists and archaeologists. The author's aim is to open up to the reader such a
different world in the way of thinking, in the habits, in the warfare, torn by the irreconcilable dichotomy between sophistication and
ferocity, majestic temples and human sacrifices. Unfortunately this story has been misrepresented by historiographical clichés that has
identified the good and the evil, the murderers and the martyrs. As an historian I have tried to maintain a proper intellectual and critical
detachment and came to the inescapable conclusion that these are not bed men: these are men born and lived five centuries ago, within
systems of thought and values opposed to those recognized today by the democratic nations.
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