EFL Learners’ Learning Styles and Their Attributes


  • Luu Trong Tuan National University of Ho Chi Minh City


This research was conducted to examine EFL students’ preferred learning styles, and linkages between learning style
preferences and individual attributes such as fields of study, length of tertiary study, gender, age, learning language experience, and
English proficiency level. 172 students were invited to participate in the questionnaire survey. The findings revealed that perceptual
learning style preferences were impacted by some attributes, particularly fields of study and length of tertiary study. The dominant learning
style preferences for the sample were kinesthetic and tactile. The higher levels of English EFL students got the more kinesthetic and tactile
they appeared. Furthermore, the students with the shortest length of studying English tended to be those with a variety of preferred
learning styles, except individual. As far as gender was concerned, females showed a stronger tendency toward kinesthetic while males gave
more preference to tactile learning.


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How to Cite

EFL Learners’ Learning Styles and Their Attributes. (2011). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2(2), 299. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/mjss/article/view/10803