Continuing Education of the Professors at Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial (UTE)


  • Mayra Martinez
  • Martha Viveros
  • Magda Cejas
  • Derling Mendoza


This research is justified by pointing out the basic conceptions of the continuing education of the university professor. The process of this research included three phases: First, the search; collection and analysis of information. Second, it includes models of professor training and theorization. Third, it raises the final conception of the educational training of the university professor. The research was developed from a qualitative perspective; therefore, it is implanted in an epistemic conceptualization that corresponds to its nature and the interest to deepen in the intuition of the object of study. In this research participated 8 (eight) professors who work at UTE. For the analysis of the data that was obtained they were applied the Grounded Theory and the Constant Comparative Method, which had the purpose of making a theoretical approximation from the categorizations and their dimensions, through the Atlas.ti operating software, version 8. Moreover, the goal was contributing to the theoretical foundation and methodology of the research which generated the following categories: professional professor role and new professor profile. In the conclusions it was mentioned the importance of the university professor updating through scientific research to promote the knowledge and strategies that demand the need to theorize, produce and raise the level of professor thinking.


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How to Cite

Continuing Education of the Professors at Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial (UTE). (2019). Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 10(2), 131.