Reactivation Of Narcissus Myth In Ernest Koliqi Poetic Proses: Narcissus’ Seven Mirrors By Koliqi Compared To Ancient Myth


  • Edlira Macaj (Tonuzi)


Purpose / to explain: 1. The retaking process of the Narcissus myth and his transformation from an antic myth into a literary myth. 2. The confrontation between antic myth and literary myth: similarities and differences. 3. New functions and new semantic in the new literary context. Observation in Ernest Koliqi’s seven poetic proses named: Narcissus’ seven mirrors. Approach: an analytic, descriptive and semiotic method is needed on to conceive the insert process of the Narcissus myth into a new literary context. The semiotic approach on the text highlights the implication of the new meanings. Hypothesis: is to prove that the reactivation of an antic myth in a new literary material brings new meanings even contradictory with the well-known connotation of the certain subject involved. Values: the reception of positive symbolic versus pejorative connotation of Narcissus myth. New artistic constructive narcissism values derives from myth by activating the interpretation departed from the symbolic context. Conclusion: the primitive myth serves to literature to reform new meanings. Meeting point between: the preservation of the mythical old script with his literary transformation brings new literary myth rebuild. The new one is the base for the literary work as E. Koliqi’s poetic proses are. There are stored some elements, but essentially mythical meaning has changed as far as the new context has no more connection with the first one from it was derived.

DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2013.v3n7p484


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How to Cite

Reactivation Of Narcissus Myth In Ernest Koliqi Poetic Proses: Narcissus’ Seven Mirrors By Koliqi Compared To Ancient Myth. (2013). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 3(7), 484.