Why Must Forcible Action be the Only Way?: A New Approach for Initiating Quality Value of Voluntarily-Forcible Action (VF Action) in Stolen Asset Recovery


  • Ronald Hasudungan Sianturi
  • P.L. Rika Fatimah
  • Tan Kamello


Recovering the proceeds of corruption is generally managed through forcible actions and leaving behind voluntary efforts. The preference for these forcible efforts can be seen from various international treaties regulating the seizure of the proceeds of crime. In reality, international treaties prioritizing forcible acts stumble upon many barriers especially in facing the difference in legal systems between the victim countries and recipient countries. On national level, forcible efforts also experience difficulties when perpetrators, stashing their stolen assets, are competing with law enforcement officials tracing and seizing their proceeds of corruption. This article provides a notion of the importance of combined voluntary and forcible actions to spend less efforts, time, and expenses during asset recovery process. This article using quality value approach on FuzzyServe and benchmarking to implement Voluntarily-Forcible Action (VF Action) in Stolen Asset Recovery.

DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2014.v4n6p429


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How to Cite

Why Must Forcible Action be the Only Way?: A New Approach for Initiating Quality Value of Voluntarily-Forcible Action (VF Action) in Stolen Asset Recovery. (2014). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 4(6), 429. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/jesr/article/view/4110