Some Parents´ Activities in Educating Children: the Vietnam Case


  • Nguyen Thanh Binh Free University of Berlin, Germany.


Each family is a cell of society. Many families make a society. The good families bring good societies, so any societies
pay attention to strengthen families. This is a long - standing and relatively common concept in Vietnam from the past to the
present. In the past, in the feudal society, considered roots, families are proposed to be respected as a rule, used as a basic
factor to rule society, and responsible for training, perfecting and developing personalities for families members. At present,
Vietnam also pay attention to families and requires every family to be responsible for building their own families into cultural ones,
raising children with good health and teaching with good personalities in order to provide the country with good citizens. This
paper will check the role of parents in educating - socializing children in Vietnamese families.


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How to Cite

Some Parents´ Activities in Educating Children: the Vietnam Case. (2012). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2(1), 199.