The Need for the Change of the Existing Situation in the Educational System in Albania: Under the View of Instruction’s Methodologies
Instruction constitutes from a long time, an incontestable mode of transmission for the refinement of culture. A specific
problem of the rapport between the instruction and the studying belongs to the course’s structure. In this world that is changing
rapidly is necessary that the kid, the student, the young people, have to learn to be conscientious for the instruction’s individual
mechanisms and to digest as much as possible procedures. A good programmed instruction increases the level of the learners,
therefore their faith and their willingness in order to improve their self. A good instruction’s method should not neglect the
effectiveness of the teacher conductor’s role. In this sense, the various disciplines should not be seen as the school educational
purposes, but as tools for educating. The importance which has been given to reforms of the curricula reflects the need of
education of the new generations. The necessity of a more organic planning of educational programs and interventions as well,
today, has to do, first of all, with the quality of instructions, its methods, the relationship between disciplines, levels and the
coordination of various programs that appear in each school. In fact, the phrase "learn in that way by which you can learn” is
associated with the need to absorb not only the contents, but first of all the methodologies, techniques and thinking strategies
which are necessary for the learning. This requires a new definition of educational objectives and instruments, necessarily
different from those used traditionally.
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