Role of Culture Between Influencing Factors and Student Electronic Learning Satisfaction


  • Mahwish Waheed Department of Technology Management, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan


The main goal of this paper is to show the role of culture in the Electronic Learning Environment. The diverse effect of
influencing factors on student satisfaction in different cultures in Electronic Learning environment is proposed. A theoretical
model has been proposed showing the moderating role of culture between the relationship of influencing factors and student elearning
satisfaction.Cultural differences change the perspectives of individuals’, keeping in view; the Hofstede’s cultural
dimensions; power-distance, uncertainty avoidance, and individualism theoretical linkages are justified with the influencing
factors namely Human Factor, Course Factor and Technological Factor using literature. Administration should consider the
factors that have been pointed out in this study, for successful implementation of EL education system in different cultures. The
proposed model can be justified by applying empirical research on the variables in different cultures. Individuals in different
cultures have different perspective. The satisfaction level or criteria vary in different cultures in electronic learning environment.
The cultural impact is not been measured yet considering the influencing factors.





How to Cite

Role of Culture Between Influencing Factors and Student Electronic Learning Satisfaction. (2011). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 1(3), 133.