Privacy and Copyright

Richtmann values our relationship with you and recognizes the importance of respecting and protecting your personal information and privacy.

This policy set out the basis on which any personal information you provide to us (or data we collect about you from other sources) will be processed (meaning collected, stored, and otherwise used) by us. Please read this policy carefully as it sets out what you can expect from us and gives you our contact details if you wish to ask any questions or raise concerns about how we are processing your personal information.

For the purposes of the Data Protection Act 1998 (the Act) and, with effect from 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the data controller is Richtmann Publishing Ltd, Office 1, Forest House Business Centre, 8 Gainsborough Road, London, England, E11 1HT

Richtmann Publishing is an open access publisher and  we prioritize the privacy of our users and respect intellectual property rights. This Privacy and Copyright Policy outlines how we handle personal information and copyright matters to ensure transparency, security, and compliance with relevant laws and regulations.

Privacy Policy

Collection of Personal Information

    • We collect personal information, such as names, email addresses, and affiliations, only when voluntarily provided by users during the registration, submission, or subscription process.
    • We may collect non-personal information, such as browser type, IP address, and operating system, to improve our website's functionality and user experience. This information is collected through the use of cookies or similar technologies.

Use of Personal Information

    • Personal information is used to facilitate the publication process, communicate with authors, reviewers, and editors, and provide relevant updates on publications and services.
    • We may also use personal information to analyze trends, conduct research, and enhance our services. However, such data will be anonymized and aggregated whenever possible to ensure individual privacy.

Disclosure of Personal Information

    • We do not sell, trade, or rent personal information to third parties. Personal information is shared only with the necessary individuals involved in the publication process, such as editors, reviewers, and production staff.
    • In some cases, we may be required to disclose personal information to comply with legal obligations, protect our rights and property, or enforce our policies.

Data Security

    • We implement reasonable security measures to protect personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction. However, no method of transmission or storage can guarantee absolute security, and we cannot be held liable for any unauthorized access or breach of personal information.

Third-Party Links

    • Our website may contain links to third-party websites or services. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of these external sites. We encourage users to review the privacy policies of any linked websites before providing personal information.

Copyright Policy

Ownership of Content

    • Authors retain copyright of their original work published on our platform. By submitting a manuscript, authors grant us a non-exclusive license to publish, distribute, and display the work.
    • Users are responsible for obtaining all necessary permissions for any copyrighted material (such as images, figures, or excerpts) included in their submissions.

Open Access License

    • We apply open access principles, allowing users to freely access, read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full text of published articles. Creative Commons licenses are commonly used to specify the terms of open access. Articles in Richtmann's Journals are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Copyright Infringement

    • We take copyright infringement seriously. If you believe your copyright-protected work has been used in a manner that constitutes infringement, please contact us with relevant details, and we will promptly investigate and take appropriate action.

Intellectual Property Rights

    • We respect the intellectual property rights of others. Users are expected to adhere to copyright laws and not infringe upon the rights of third parties when submitting their work.

Please note that this Privacy and Copyright Policy may be subject to change. We encourage users to review this policy periodically for any updates. By using our platform, users signify their acceptance of this policy and agree to its terms and conditions.