Increasing the Internal Quality in College Schools via Democratic Dimensioning of Parent-Teacher Communication


  • Bledina Bushi Aleksander Moisiu University, Faculty of Education Durres, Albania


Ensuring internal education quality is considered as one of the priority issues under the Albanian political agenda for integration. In college, the development of effective parent-teacher partnership is vital because optimises both teaching and learning. The level of parent’s involvement depends significantly on the formats, methodology and philosophy of parent-teacher communication. An empirical survey undertaken in 2012 studied the reality family-school communication in Durres college schools. It is oriented towards parents’ perspective for explaining why parents are withdrawn. The paper explores the findings, confronts them with the empirical data of the research literature. From the analysis and arguments are generated recommendations on potential forms of treatment and management with regard to parent communication in college schools. The gathered data indicated that the parent-teacher communication reality is far from being considered consistent and its efficiency is partial. The communication is seen with darker lens from parents of female students, parents with children in the margin grades of college, mothers, parents with college education, the unemployed and those who live in Durres from over a decade. The paper proposes a dimensioning of parent-teacher communication, which should be reviewed periodically. Despite backgrounds, positions and the limited resources can be shaped an interaction model built on strengths.

DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2013.v3n7p339


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How to Cite

Increasing the Internal Quality in College Schools via Democratic Dimensioning of Parent-Teacher Communication. (2013). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 3(7), 339.