Development of E-UETLPE Web Application (UET Online Lecturer Performance Evaluation System)


  • Anni Dasho Sharko
  • Genci Sharko
  • Bora Demi
  • Indrit Baholli


The Albanian lecturer’s staff of Private and State Universities can vary enormously in their ability to teach effectively in years. European University of Tirana (Private University), has implemented many methods to measure this variation but one commonly used method is seen from UET Management staff as the most effective ones in using students’ evaluation of lecturers’ performance. For many decades, the outcome of students’ evaluation of teaching performance is seen from UET Management as an important tool to measure the effectiveness of teaching quality, at the beginning this procedure was in hard copy evaluation process and since the last 2 years it was developed the lecturer online evaluation system, developed locally with a dedicated bachelor students team from economic of informatics profile. UET lecturers manage their day to day operation in their classrooms, and they need to know whether the implementation of their good effective teaching initiatives and strategies used are well received by their bachelor or master students. UET management and academic staff used the most suitable method to measure teaching effectiveness the students’ evaluation of lecturers’ performance, which is often carried out at the end of each semester of the actual academic year of the European University of Tirana. At the end of this analyses the final report will reflect on qualities associated with good teaching such as lecturers’ knowledge, the most updated syllabuses and texts used for teaching, better class management and course organization. The development of this application is done based on the platform of Apache/MySQl/PHP (AMP). The whole platform is working actually on the UET Intranet environment (first phase) and will be developed the second version of this application (second phase), where the application will be developed from master students of Applied Informatics Profile, Economic and Information Technology Faculty, European University of Tirana, where from all students of UET 3 faculties will be accessed and fulfilled online from their home the evaluation application form.

DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2015.v5n2p93


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How to Cite

Development of E-UETLPE Web Application (UET Online Lecturer Performance Evaluation System). (2015). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 5(2), 93.