Confucius’s Notion of “Filialness” and Its Significance on Filial Education in Vietnam Nowadays1


  • Nguyen Thi Tho


Filial piety is an important ethical and fundamental catergory in human behaviour. From past to present, both Western and Eastern scholars have had much discussion about Filialness. Confucianism, a doctrine of moral and political society in the period of from the Spring-Autunm and Warring states in China founded by Confucius, discusses a lot about filial piety. Especially in the thoughts of Confucius, filialness is considered fairly comprehensively and profoundly. In this article, the author would like to clarify the basic contents of filial piety in Confucian thoughts, from that figure out the value of its contribution to the development of filial piety today.

DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2015.v5n1p307


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How to Cite

Confucius’s Notion of “Filialness” and Its Significance on Filial Education in Vietnam Nowadays1. (2015). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 5(1), 307.