The Relevance of Learning Theories in Adult and Non-Formal Education


  • Francis O. Olaniyi


The purpose of this study is to examine the relevance of learning theories to adult and non-formal educational programmes. Adult and non-formal education is a kind of educational activities targeted at those who are regarded as adults by the society they belongs with the aim to developing their socio-economic and political status, so they can contribute their quota to the development of their immediate environment and society at large. The advanced nature of adult learners makes their learning activities to be more different from the children learning environment. This is because of maturity, bulk of experiences and sense of professionalism they bring to learning environment that make facilitators sees them as partners in progress. Efforts are made in this study to discuss the concept of adult and non-formal education as well as various learning theories that must be valued in adult learning environments. The paper, therefore, conclude that facilitators and organizers of adult education programme must ensure the strict application of these learning theories for effective adult teaching and learning environment.

DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2015.v5n1p261


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How to Cite

The Relevance of Learning Theories in Adult and Non-Formal Education. (2015). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 5(1), 261.