Acquiring Maximum Vocational Business Education Skills and Competencies for Sustainable Development in Nigeria


  • Magnus P. Udo
  • Dekom Habila Bako


This article discusses acquiring maximum Vocational Business Education (VBE) Skills and competencies to boost sustainable development in Nigeria. At the introduction, the paper defines terminologies such as vocational business education, maximum skills acquisition and competencies as well as sustainable development. The paper goes further to highlight the importance of skills acquisition in Nigeria and examines major skills and competencies inherent in VBE. It also explores the components of sustainable development and how VBE has enhanced it. Lastly, the paper discusses some impediments to maximum skills acquisition by VBE students in Nigerian tertiary institutions and concludes by making recommendations on how such impediments can be reduced.

DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2014.v4n7p53


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How to Cite

Acquiring Maximum Vocational Business Education Skills and Competencies for Sustainable Development in Nigeria. (2014). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 4(7), 53.