Teaching and Learning in Higher Education in Albania


  • Kseanela Sotirofski


Recent developments are outlined in this paper in the sector of Higher Education of Albania and their implications about the organization of teaching and learning ways. The first part describes and characterizes the contemporary student population as diverse, oriented toward client and goals. Therefore, come presented two teaching and learning models: first is a model of ‘deficit’ with an approach driven by curriculum with the teacher in centre; the second is characterised with the student in centre and with comprehension of the process of learning. This second model is said to have larger opportunities for the promotion of learning effectiveness since it includes several elements which are key relevant to the current student body and offer improved learning conditions which place emphasis on the interaction and dialogue to promote learning, experimental learning value and leaners needs for learning reflection.

DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2014.v4n3p529


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How to Cite

Teaching and Learning in Higher Education in Albania. (2014). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 4(3), 529. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/jesr/article/view/4998