Deep Changes in the Process of Content for Pre-University Education and Its Effects in the Human Development of Albania (1992 -2013)


  • Jani Sota Aleksandër Moisiu" University, Durrës


School is where young people not only begin their professional careers but also establish personalities; construct a vision of the world that surrounds them. During education activity in and out of school environment is given birth and developed a wide and diverse range of interests, among which cognitive learning interests occupy a leading place. Teaching interests are held on the basis of cognitive interests, which constitute the first steps to subsequent development of human capital. Education interests are developed in the content of the integrated learning motives, desires, goals, ideals that requires teachers to accomplish in the instructional and educational activities. Interests with motives are conditioned not only by the overall level of psychosocial development in certain ages but also by professional and scientific interest of students. The structure and contents of teaching interests (school) is developed alongside the widening and deepening for the continuous enrichment of the interior of the learning process from one class to another, the implementation of an advanced teaching technology and learning profound and sustainable knowledge. Formation and development and teaching interests are affected by many factors such as: changes in school documentation consisting of syllabus, curriculum and textbooks and relevant guidelines to help the school and education specialists for effective implementation, which will pave the way for reform of the education system in Albania, especially after the fall of the dictatorship in the 90s. Lesson plans, programs and consequently the relevant texts have had over the last 20 years significant changes in political and social-economic contingent historical context.

DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2014.v4n4p0500


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How to Cite

Deep Changes in the Process of Content for Pre-University Education and Its Effects in the Human Development of Albania (1992 -2013). (2014). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 4(4), 500.