Environmental Knowledge among Aboriginal Students


  • Norshariani Abd Rahman
  • Lilia Halim
  • Abdul Razaq Ahmad


This research aims to investigate the level and differences of environmental general knowledge and environmental action knowledge among the Aboriginal students based on level of education, gender and tribe. This survey research used a test as the research instrument. A total number of 445 Aboriginal students from Pahang, Malaysia took part in this study. The research findings showed that as overall their environmental knowledge is good. However, a separate analysis showed that their environmental general knowledge is moderate and their environmental action knowledge is good. When analysed from the perspective of level of education, the level of environmental general knowledge of secondary school students was higher than the primary school students. The students of the Proto Malay tribe showed a higher level of environmental general knowledge and environmental action knowledge compared to students of Senoi and Negrito tribe. Nonetheless, the level of environmental knowledge of male students and female students are just the same. Improvement environmental knowledge should be considered in planning the educational development of Aboriginal community towards environmental sustainability.

DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2014.v4n6p279


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How to Cite

Environmental Knowledge among Aboriginal Students. (2014). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 4(6), 279. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/jesr/article/view/4092