Aspects of Writing the Textbooks of the Albanian People History in Pre-University Education


  • Esilda Luku


This paper aims to analyse the challenges of historiography, in particular those coming across during the process of writing the textbooks of history for the educational curriculum. Its approach is theoretical as much as empirical. The object of the paper is to evaluate the level of meeting the scientific criteria in the text “The history of the albanian people 12”. Considering the fact that historical literature, including the school books of history, is written continuously, historians should meet the following criteria: 1. The generalising criterion, meaning the synthetic presentation of historical processes treated with a scientific objectivity. During the compilation, it is necessary to avoid biased stance, politicisation and extreme ideological arguments that distort the historical truth. Scientific accuracy can be reached by using the valid thesis of native and foreign historiography. 2. The chronological criterion, as the main characteristic of the historicism, implies time arrangement of historical events. It intends to analyse in right proportion the historical periods, in conformity with the most accepted periodisation of this scientific discipline. 3. The psychopedagogic criterion is based on the adaptation of the formative and informative material with the psychological and intellectual qualities, as well as the perceiving and assimilating abilities of the reader. The accurate meeting of these scientific criteria leads the historian’s work during the process of research and the interpretation of the sources. These last ones require the research methods of analysis (deduction) and synthesis (induction), as well as the methods of synchronic and dychronic analogy. The analytic approach of the historical facts and events influences on the development of the critical thinking and the scientific content of history as discipline, that begins with the compilation of the school textbooks of preliminary and high educational system.

DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2014.v4n4p466


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How to Cite

Aspects of Writing the Textbooks of the Albanian People History in Pre-University Education. (2014). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 4(4), 466.