The Beginning of the Parliamentary in Albania (1920-1924)


  • Nertila Haxhia Ljarja


The years that followed post World War 1, proved to be a difficult time for the renovation of the Albanian population. A few radicalized Albanian patriots, with varying views on politics went as far as to hold meetings in the Congress with the common cause of improving the state of the country. These delegates were chosen from all different parts of the country and served as representatives of those parts. They were representing the country as well as its sovereignty. Of all these organizations, one in particular stood out. The Congress of Lushnja (28-31 January 1920) was the one to put best practice methods into place with regards to rebuilding Albania. As of this moment, the process of institutional and legislative europeanization in the country begins.

DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2014.v4n4p449


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How to Cite

The Beginning of the Parliamentary in Albania (1920-1924). (2014). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 4(4), 449.