Special Non-Finite Forms of Latin and Albanian


  • Leonard Xhamani


The verbal system of Latin language, just like that of Albanian, apart from the finite forms, is characterized by a number of non-finite forms, which make this system more complete and diverse. In this speech, we will be focused on a special non- finite form of Latin, that of supinum, which has no relevant structure in Albanian. We will see the supinum according to its way of formation and its noun and verb features. The examples that illustrate this non-finite form of Latin will be translated, in order to have a better understanding of the verbal forms of Albanian which correspond to it. An important part in this speech will be occupied by the Albanian non-finite forms, of the type me t? ardhur dhe nj? ardhur, observing not only their way of formation and the function they have, but also how they can be expressed in Latin. However, according to their structural type and grammatical values, these two forms have no relevant ones in Latin, but they can be expressed by some structures including the participle. The method used is that of the approach, a well- known method in Linguistics, which through the comparison of different elements, not only within a language, but also between different languages, permits the analyses and the comparative outlook.

DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2014.v4n4p373


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How to Cite

Special Non-Finite Forms of Latin and Albanian. (2014). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 4(4), 373. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/jesr/article/view/3521