Lost in Translation. Translating the Latin Words of the Pirandello’s Novels


  • Mirela Papa
  • Leonard Xhamani


The translator is an interlinguistic and intercultural mediator. In the process of translation he is like a bridge between two groups of people who don’t share the same linguistic and cultural code and as a result they use the translator in order to communicate between them. Nowadays it is a fact in the theory of communication that in every kind of communication there is loss during the process. With loss we mean that element of the message that is not conveyable. We encounter this loss even in translation. With loss, in the process of translation, we mean that element of translation, which the translator after planning his translation strategy, decides not to translate it because it is very difficult or even impossible to be translated. In this paper we will study the Latin words that the Italian writer Luigi Pirandello uses in that the Italian writer Luigi Pirandello use in his novels. The target of this analysis will be the strategy that the Albanian translators have used in order to provide these textual segments in the novels translated in the Albanian language. Taking into consideration that the Albanian and Italian language differ a lot among them we will notices that during the translation process we will encounter inevitable loss.

DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2014.v4n4p361


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How to Cite

Lost in Translation. Translating the Latin Words of the Pirandello’s Novels. (2014). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 4(4), 361. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/jesr/article/view/3519