Postgraduate Level and its Impact on Academic Studies and Professional Careers, Social and Job Mobility and Identity. A Study about PhD Graduates and PhD Students at UNCuyo, in the Light of a sui generis Paradigm


  • Miriam Aparicio Main rechearcher CONICET. National Council of Scientific Research. Cuyo National University


The project – a priority at the Secretary of University Policies agenda – dealt with PhD. graduates and PhD. students from different courses of study belonging to Cuyo University (UNCuyo, Argentina) and Cnam (France) (Social and Human Sciences). Specifically, the sample was made up of PhD. students enrolling from 2005 onwards and PhD. graduates who had obtained their degrees from 2005 onwards. The model included not only socio-cultural factors but also psycho-social, organizational and structural factors. The latest factors were related to the influence that the labor market could have on the professional careers as well as on the possibilities for personal development. The methodology used was quantitative (statistical analysis) but mainly qualitative (lexicometric analysis, interviews). The methodology allowed us to acquire knowledge on the central issues concerning each course of study in particular (contextualized scenarios), the relation to the labor market (share representations) and the differences between what was expected and what was achieved, i.e. between the prescriptive world and the real world of the actors. A semi-structured survey was also applied. The approach was macro-micro-meso-macro. The qualitative analysis allowed a comparison among shared representations at different PhD. courses, taking into account different “nodes”, such as: University, PhD. degree, labor market, professional work, etc. The objective was to contrast emerging typologies: differences between the public and the representations according to the institutions students belong to, as well as how the courses of study articulate with the labor market. The structural background presented serious difficulties for University graduates to enter the labor market and achieve professional development (“plafond” effect -saturation of scientific market by those holding PhD. degrees).

DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2014.v4n2p474


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Postgraduate Level and its Impact on Academic Studies and Professional Careers, Social and Job Mobility and Identity. A Study about PhD Graduates and PhD Students at UNCuyo, in the Light of a sui generis Paradigm. (2014). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 4(2), 474.