The Challenges of Teacher Education in a Globalized Economy: The Nigeria Experience


  • Asagha Emmanuel Nkoro Dept. of Physics, Federal College of Education Obudu, Cross-Rivers State,Nigeria
  • Muhammed Awwal Ibrahim Dept. of General Studies, Federal College of Education Potiskum, Yobe State, Nigeria
  • Nuhu Ogirima Dept. of Islamic Studies, Federal College of Education Okene, Kogi State, Nigeria


For a nation that aspires for greatness, considerable attention needs be given teacher education given the crucial role of teachers in all spheres of learning. Against this premise, the paper identifies the broad challenges besetting teacher education industry, the colleges of education, in Nigeria: especially funding, which impacts on infrastructure; curriculum matters; constitutional and policy matters; as well as administrative and managerial imprudence. The paper recommended some redress strategies which, inter alia, include: the need for huge investment in teacher education through the increase government funding; establishment of endowment funds for teachers; harmonization of conditions of service for teachers across all levels of the teaching profession; and complete overhaul of the regulatory agencies – especially a merger of both NCCE and NTI – to make them a more robust body and in tune with the reality of teacher education.

DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2013.v3n10p9


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How to Cite

The Challenges of Teacher Education in a Globalized Economy: The Nigeria Experience. (2013). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 3(10), 9.