The Students Participation in Democratic Life in Kosovo


  • Bahtije Gerbeshi Zylfiu Associate Professor, University of Prishtina, Faculty of Education


Nowadays, in Kosovo, just as in many other countries, preparing young people to be active participants in a democratic society is an important issue, because democracy without participation is meaningless. Participation in community and in political development is a precondition for building a democratic system. Taking into consideration the importance of youth participation in democratic life, the youngsters should initially be educated in this aspect. They should have basic knowlege about essential citizenship concepts. In addition, they must be equipped with knowledge of many other related civic education. Schools, teachers and other educating institutions continue to have the main role on civic education. Considering what was mentioned above, the purpose of this paper is to present the perception of eighth grade students of elementary schools in Kosovo for some fundamental concepts of civilization as well as the role and importance that schools and teachers have to prepare students for participation in democratic life. The study contributes significant informations and data for further research about the students participation in democratic life in Kosovo. The results of the study are supposed to foster the teachers and others to become more effective in encouraging students to be more active in their societies and to build effective student-teacher partnership via policies, decision making, and practices.

DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2014.v4n1p309


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How to Cite

The Students Participation in Democratic Life in Kosovo. (2014). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 4(1), 309.