The Collaboration of Higher Education Schools and SME’s Institutional Structure Development


  • Alba Robert Dumi Prof As Dr, Dean of Graduated School”Ismail Qemali” Vlora University Albania, Management Department, Economy Faculty, American Tirana University
  • Zamira Sinaj Management Department, Economy Faculty, American Tirana University
  • Borana Kociu Management Department, Economy Faculty, American Tirana University


This paper research overview of the leader behavior literature highlighted the fact that there are inconsistent relationships between the behaviors that leaders engage in and the effects of these behaviors on member attitudes, behavior, and group effectiveness in Albania and Vlore region In addition, for each study the national/regional and institutional strategy was reviewed and university of Vlore and wider literature consulted to highlight references to university business interactions in either education or research. The paper research study structure covers: 1.The national/ regional framework; 2.The institutional framework; 3. Rationale behind the collaboration 4.The objectives/benefits of collaboration. 5. The activities and the progress in learning and teaching. The behaviors are important as witnessed by their occasionally significant relationship with follower attitudes and behavior. Second, the observation that these behaviors do not always produce significant and positive effects suggests that something else is transpiring such that in one situation the particular leader behavior produces significant effects and in another situation that behavior is relatively unimportant. The question that these observations raise is. The objective of the study is to undertake a selection of institutional in-depth case studies which reflect different approaches to university business cooperation across a selection. The study took a mixed method approach to the construction of the case studies. We are trying to analyze on Albanian conditions and especially in Vlore region, the effects of using different hypotheses in some definitions of leadership theories, the implementation of effects of leader behavior in organizations. In this paper research, we contend, weakens important institutional qualities, resulting in institutional degradation. Once institutional actors identify problems and weaknesses with existing institutions, previously institutionalized logics are disrupted and the search for new logics, forms, and practices begins.

DOI: 10.5901/jesr.2014.v4n1p11


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How to Cite

The Collaboration of Higher Education Schools and SME’s Institutional Structure Development. (2014). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 4(1), 11.