French Reception of the Works by Olzhas Suleimenov


  • Ainur Mashakova M.O. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art, Kurmangazy str., 29, Almaty, 050010, Kazakhstan
  • Мilyausha Khabutdinova Kazan Federal University, Kremlyovskaya Str., 18, Kazan, 420008, Russia



literature, Kazakhstan, France, comparative literary studies, translation, reception


The paper explores the French reception of the works by the Kazakh poet Olzhas Suleimenov. The main goal of the study is to comprehend and summarize this reception as an independent cohesive process. The authors emphasize the role of the translation of Suleimenov's works in creating a positive image of the Kazakh poet in France. The study analyzes the key points of the penetration of Suleimenov's texts into French culture, beginning in the 1970s. Particular attention is paid to reviews of the poem "Earth, Bow Down to Man!", poetry collections "The Book of Clay" and "Transformation of Fire," as well as the reception of his popular science work "Az i IA." As a result of the study, based on the positive French reception of Suleimenov's work, the authors conclude that there is a growing prestige of Kazakh literature and its gradual integration into international culture.



Received: 1 June 2023 / Accepted: 29 July 2023 / Published: 5 September 2023


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How to Cite

French Reception of the Works by Olzhas Suleimenov. (2023). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 13(5), 143.