Literature and Art Therapy, as an Applied Model Used by Restorative Justice - Case Study: Minors at Kavaja Minors Institution in Albania


  • Edlira Macaj Lecturer, Tirana University, Tirana, Albania
  • Marisa Kerbizi Lecturer, "Aleksander Moisiu" University, Fakulteti i Edukimit, Godina nr.1, Kampus, Spitalle, Durres, Albania



literature, arts, medium, restoration, model, educational activities


The purpose of this paper is to analyze the restoration process of juveniles who are serving their sentences at Kavaja Minors Institution, through the therapy of literature and art. In order to understand the process, it is essential to answer the following questions: does art therapy have a transformative effect on the psychology of adolescents who have problems with the law? If so, how and to what extent does it affect and by what means do we measure the result? Methods that were used in order to process the data were the empirical, analytical, comparative and descriptive ones. The data were registered before and after sixteen therapeutic sessions that were essentially related to reading literature and dealing with other arts. If art therapy is utilized through a structured program to ensure informal education (ie, discovering oneself and others by creating and practicing process), it may help to improve adolescents' behaviors. Juveniles that are in re-education institutions may even ameliorate their psychological conditions if they are engaged to literature and art therapy. Art in itself deals with the personal dimension and consequently the interpersonal one, giving minors the opportunity to self-heal and later to self-regulate. The findings of this case study justify the importance of art therapeutic sessions in transforming and improving behaviors, learning and commitment to the creative process. This therapy was difficult to implement during the closure of institutions due to COVID-19. As a result, some of the therapeutic sessions were performed virtually and indirectly. Literature and art therapy improves young people emotionally, mentally and promotes their artistic skills. Their creativity and artistic performance (poetry, essays, debate, drama, role-play, dance and singing) remain an important proof of this restoration process.


Received: 8 January 2021 / Accepted: 22 February 2021 / Published: 5 March 2021


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How to Cite

Literature and Art Therapy, as an Applied Model Used by Restorative Justice - Case Study: Minors at Kavaja Minors Institution in Albania. (2021). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 11(2), 61.