The Degree to Which the School Principals of Public Schools in the Kasbah of Salt Possess Schools’ Crisis Management Skills from the View Point of Counselors


  • Eman B. Alhussein AL Balqa Applied University, Princess Rahma University College, Jordan
  • Khowla A. Ghnaim AL Balqa Applied University, Princess Rahma University College, Jordan
  • Nagham Abu Albasal AL Balqa Applied University, Princess Rahma University College, Jordan



This study aimed to investigate the degree to which the principals of public schools in the Kasbah of Salt possess the skills of school crisis management from the viewpoint of the counselors, and the study sample consisted of (75) counselors, who were randomly chosen during the second semester of the academic year 2019-2020.The descriptive approach was used where the researcher prepared a questionnaire consisting of (52) items, distributed on four domains of crisis management skills (preventive skills to avoid the occurrence of the crisis, planning skills to face the crisis, administrative skills to deal with the crisis during its occurrence and administrative skills (treatment) after the crisis ended. Its validity and reliability were verified. The study results showed that the degree of educational principals' possession of school crisis management skills was moderate. The results also showed statistically significant differences in the degree of principals’ possession of school crisis management skills attributed to gender in favor of males. The results also showed statistically significant differences in the degree of possession due to the variable of experience, and the absence of statistically significant differences attributable to the variable of academic qualification, educational stage, some recommendations were made in light of the results of the study.


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How to Cite

The Degree to Which the School Principals of Public Schools in the Kasbah of Salt Possess Schools’ Crisis Management Skills from the View Point of Counselors. (2020). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 10(5), 168.