ICT as a Viable Tool for Enterpreneurship Education


  • Alex O. Iwu School of Education Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri-Nigeria
  • R.C. Nzeako School of Education Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri-Nigeria


This paper dwelt on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as a veritable tool for
entrepreneurship education. Hence it examined the concept of ICT as the use of computer based
information system and communication systems to process, store and transmit data. Entrepreneurship as
skills acquired to establish a business outfit. The objectives of entrepreneurship include but not limited to
identify and solve problems using critical and creative thinking. Examine the link between science,
vocational and technical education, small business and entrepreneurship. Also discussed are the role of
entrepreneurship in economic development such as economic and support facilities linkages, rural saving
mobilization, utilization of local resources and rural materials, generalization of employment opportunities.
It also highlighted some of the agencies for promoting entrepreneurship education such as small and
medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria, Industrial Development Centres, National
Development Programme etc. ICT as a tool for entrepreneurship was highlighted. Problems of
entrepreneurship education such as absence of mentorship, short duration of programmes, inadequate
funding and capacity are explained. The following suggestion are made, which include the government and
private organizations should establish a core entrepreneurship development institutions that will produce
mentors and empower a good number of entrepreneurs in different economic sectors.





How to Cite

ICT as a Viable Tool for Enterpreneurship Education. (2012). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2(9), 125. https://www.richtmann.org/journal/index.php/jesr/article/view/12018