Perception of Teachers Towards the Utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Teaching Introductory Technology in Secondary School in Delta State in Nigeria


  • E. Kennedy Umunadi Department of Technical and Business Education Delta State University, Abraka-Nigeria


The advent of information and communication technology (ICT) worldwide in this new millennium has
posed some challenges to different spheres of education and other human endeavour. It is therefore
imperative to look at the adequacy and utilization of ICT equipment for teaching introductory technology
subject in Delta State. Furthermore, the study was conducted to ascertain the adequacy and utilization of
ICT equipment in urban and rural secondary school in Delta State of Nigeria. Two major research
questions and two hypotheses guided the study. The target population for the study consisted of all the
principals and introductory technology teachers teaching the introductory technology subject in Delta state
secondary schools. 86 respondents completed the questionnaires used for data collection and analysis. The
mean, standard deviation and the Z-test were the statistical tools used for data analysis. The hypotheses
tested at 0.05 level of significance. The findings revealed that: (1) There is inadequate information and
communication technology equipment in terms of number required for teaching introductory technology
subject in the urban and rural secondary schools in Delta State.(2) The available ICT equipment for
teaching the introductory technology subject are not utilized in the urban and rural secondary schools in
Delta state. In these areas of the introductory technology subject: (a) Technical Drawing (b) Metal work (c)
Woodwork (d) Electricity /Electronics (e) General Workshop ICT equipment were not used. The study also
showed the significance difference in the mean responses of adequacy and use of ICT equipment in urban
and rural secondary school students in Delta state. The researcher gave these recommendations and
suggestions based on the findings of the study as follows: The government should provide infrastructure
and training for the integration of information and communication technology in advancing knowledge
and skills in introductory technology subject. This suggestion is to actualize the National Policy on
Education (FRN, 2004).The computers and other equipment for the use of ICT for teaching introductory
technology should be supplied by the government and so on.


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How to Cite

Perception of Teachers Towards the Utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Teaching Introductory Technology in Secondary School in Delta State in Nigeria. (2012). Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2(7), 124.