Reintegration of the Children of the Returnee Emigrants in the Albanian Educational System
Apparently a poor country with many problems, the origin of millions of immigrants, the Albania of the 2000s is experiencing a
phenomenon that recalls old images. Many immigrants are returning home. But while there is a national strategy for protection and
reintegration of the children whom are victims of trafficking, there is one in terms of re-education and social integration as well of children
of returnee emigrants. While has been created the sufficient conditions for the education of albanian immigrants (Priority Greece and
Italy) and are established standard curricula for teaching in the albanian language the children of the emigrants in the world, there are
no such conditions in albanian schools, which day by day are becoming the host of the children of returnee immigrants. The purpose of
this study is to present an analysis of the work done by children of returnee emigrants in our educational system, focusing
on their reintegration. This study will consider the first and the second generation of children (children of emigrants born in Albania and
children of emigrants born in the host countries), the phenomenon of returnee emigrants, their situation in Albania after the
return (in terms of their adaptation to Albanian school system) and concrete contribution to education by the state institutions and
society to re-integrate children of emigrants of different categories
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